
Commercial and conceptual works

A collection of photographic works by Jay Tang | VISUAL CREATURE. His photography balances between commercials work and autonomous, conceptual series. His commercial photography includes the areas of portraits, weddings, fashion, beauty, glamour, landscape, architecture, interiors, products and creative stills. His conceptual works tries to tell a story or tries to achieve a visual concept through a series of photographs.

He uses a wide variety of cameras in his photographic works. While he opts for digital full frame or APC-sized cameras and, if required, digital medium formats for commercial assignments, he prefers to use analog cameras for his conceptual photography. Each analog camera he owns has a distinct style and adds to his way of photography. They range from medium formats 6×4.5, 6×6, 6×7 and 6×9, as well a variety of instant film cameras.

Photography can be big and bold, yet also small and simple. Photography can tell deep, emotional stories, yet it can also just be aesthetically appealing. The many different faces of photography is what inspires me to explore the visual possibilities.